grace2007 (compsigh) - Period Piece abridged :or 'Thank fuck! God. you,'

[Genre - Indie Electronic, Pop] [10/10]

"the antiClimactic record of Grace Serdona + Anna rHowl / a bitterSweet snapshot 2000s Synechia City, AB."
I know that I've already reviewed one of compsigh's albums here, but I couldn't bring myself to not share this incredibly wonderful and powerful piece of art. Its tagline direct in the album's intent, it describes itself as an evocation of the 2000-2010's, blessed by Mabel's incredibly melancholy writing of matters on the transgender experience and what it's like to be human. What it's like to live, and experience the world around you, and pave your way through your days, and make and lose your friends. Its depiction of Grace and Anna in this manner is incredibly beautiful in its complexity, a jumbled mess of time and love and emotion that only its author could ever understand in its true nature. This small snapshot into their bitterSweet relationship is something truly beautiful and evocative of the human experience. Aside from its writing, this album is incredibly outstanding in its instrumentals being alien yet comforting synths and percussions. Its musical and lyrical aspects are both fantastic, and I cannot recommend this album enough.

[Favorite Song - the Asterisk* conundrum - Demo]

This was a HARD choice. Nearly all of the songs on the album are ones that I absolutely love, and I'm honestly still not completely solid on this choice. I picked this song because I felt like it was encapsulating of all the elements I described in its summary - That, and I'm absolutely in love with the instrumental segments preceding and succeeding the last verse. It's a beautiful song and I'll never stop thinking about it...

[Least Favorite Song - Motion Picture reBuild - Demo]

I changed my mind on this choice after I initially wrote this review - I've grown to enjoy Ted Mosby. etc. - Demo, and I only feel like this song is the weakest only since it's simply an instrumental of its counterpart song with minimal changes. I still thoroughly enjoy it and it certainly fits the album! But the overall theme would not lose a whole lot from its absence.