doefriends - I WANT TO LOVE AGAIN

[Genre - Indie Electronic, Pop] [10/10]

A shining, well-rounded debut of a new artist, I WANT TO LOVE AGAIN is the first album of the up-and-coming doefriends and her broadcasts to the world of her experiences with mental illnesses and the relationships she has with those around her. Her fantastic use of synth and string instruments mixes well with her lyricism and euphonious vocal harmonies, and creates a wonderful first experience that is surely indicative of beautiful music to come.

[Favorite Song - harness]

This was a hard pick; I feel a deep love for many of the songs on this album, but I believe my favorite has to be harness. The mix of low and high-pitched vocals provides an intense feeling of harmony and belonging, and despite the lyrics' simplicity and slight bleakness, it creates a comforting presence. I find myself listening to this song the most off of the album.

[Least Favorite Song - drunk again]

This is more of a personal choice, but I find myself listening to this one less from its self-degrading lyricism. It feels upsetting for me to hear something so bleak in nature, so disrespectful towards the self - it makes me feel a bit worse in general. I respect it as a piece of displaying the effects of depression, but it isn't for me.